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1.Fund Manager Sets Goats Grazing in Blighted Detroit –

My old stomping grounds now inhabited by goats?

2. Auden expresses himself on (then experimental) changes to the Book of Common Prayer

A copy of the letter Auden wrote to his rector upset at the debasement of language. Ultimately the conservatives were a bit wrong about this stuff. For example, the “thees and thous” they wanted retained had weirdly shifted their original meaning from intimacy to formality. Incidentally this letter  appears on the tumbler/blog of the author of The Book of Common Prayer: A Biography, Alan Jacobs.

3. Leaning Tower of Pisa, Pisa

This link explains why the original tower was built. Also this explanation goes some way toward explaining why it’s hollow.

4. Read at Whim

A refutation to a recent article in which the author attempts to shame those adults who read Young Adult books.

5.  A List Of Fallacious Arguments.

Another excellent list. Amazing how these sort of arguments are the basic language of so much public and social media. Stupid stupid stupid.

6. Got $20,000? Then You Too Can Die in a Game of Thrones Book 

A kind of product placement, no?

7.Ghosts in the Stacks: Finding the Forgotten Books

Extreme Reading

8. Bergdahl reveals the impossible choices faced by hostages’ families

This guy was also kidnapped by the same people.

9. Beyond the University: Why Liberal Education Matters’ by Michael S. Roth

A book review with some answers to this question.

10.The Sultan of Sewers: William Burroughs’ anti-authoritarian vision.

Read Burroughs for years. Never thought about his politics.

11. Ives Wins! by Jeremy Denk

A gifted performer of Ives shares insights and history.

12. Bright Stroll, Big City By Mark Kingwell

Another book review, this one about famous people who walked a lot.


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