young people book talk

Eileen and I hung around the house yesterday . Eileen watched and played with Catherine.

I cleaned the kitchen and made pesto.

As per instructions we picked up the other two grandkids after school and headed off for the bookstore.  They tend to associate Eileen and me with bookstore trips.  We usually take them out and buy them books when we visit.

When we got to the bookstore, I walked Catherine around in the stroller for a bit while Eileen and the other two grandkids looked at books. Then Eileen took her out of the stroller and they looked at books together.

Since the advent of e-reading and the World Wild Web (used books and all kinds of articles and prose)  I don’t enjoy bookstores near as much as I used to. It’s fun to browse but I tend not to want to buy near as much as I used to.

I got a chance to talk with Nicholas about what he has and has not read. He hasn’t read Sounder or much Edgar Allen Poe. I think he might be more of a Robert Louis Stevenson’s person, but mostly just asked questions.

He is reading the Narnia series and seems to like them. I mentioned the Madeline L’Engle “Wrinkle in Time” series to him. I found a good graphic novel take on Bradbury’s Farenheit 451 and bought it for him.

He chose a large book about Star Wars for purchase.  Both Savannah and Catherine chose one book for themselves and Eileen chose one each for them.

Wacky Wednesday for Savannah and

Mister Brown Can Moo for Catherine.

We came home and all sat around and read for a while.

I borrowed Nicholas’s copy of Fablehaven and managed to read the entire thing yesterday. It’s pretty interesting and held my attention even though it’s a YA book.

Nicholas promised to bring me the second volume in the series home from school (where he had it stashed) today so that I can continue reading this series.

It’s really pretty good.

So the visit is going well.

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