wimpy jupe


Image result for man sleeping television 1963

I fell asleep during the Presidential debates last night. Sheesh. I’m still a bit jetlagged. I had a good meeting with my boss. She told me I’m getting another substantial pay raise or at least it’s being recommended in the new budget. That’s nice. Also, that the renovation of our sanctuary to prepare for the installation of the new organ will be done in January. This means that I will have my organ through Christmas. That’s good to know as I plan Advent and Christmas.

I chose anthems for the fall and up to Advent thinking that at any moment the organ might go away. We went through one last night by Lloyd Larson last night that is pretty hokey.

Image result for lloyd larson jesus is king

I am resisting canceling it. I think the choir and the congregation will probably enjoy it. I think it sounds a bit like the 700 club.

Image result for 700 club host

After meeting with Jen, it took me a good hour and a half to prep for the rehearsal. I was moving slowly. By the time I got to the organ console, I only had energy to rehearse upcoming material. The day before I enjoyed playing through a bunch of Bach. Not so yesterday. I came home and rested until rehearsal. Earlier in the day I played a lot of piano at home. Maybe I wore myself out that way. Who knows?

Last night’s rehearsal went well. Today I have a doctor’s appointment and a rehearsal with my violinist. I say rehearsal, but what we really do is read through music for the fun of it.

This is kind of a wimpy blog post today I know. So here’s a fresh video of Lucy. It’s the voice of Matthew (the dad) in the background. I love how he dotes on her.


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