will jupe ever retire? hope so


I’m not getting up as early as I used to. I am anticipating retirement. Why rise early if you have the whole day to do what you want?

Still, I roasted mushrooms this morning and then made bread. I managed to heat up the kitchen. Eileen has been moving the kitchen around in anticipation of receiving a new dishwasher. She’s also looking at ordering a new free standing cabinet for the kitchen.

Eileen did the dishes last night after I went to bed. This is her doing something nice for me, since I get up and clean the kitchen before she gets up. However, by the time she did get up I had dirtied a bunch of dishes with my cooking. They are still sitting in the sink so after I’m done here I will do them.

We will be going out to eat tonight for sure. I have suggested Thursdays as a good night for us to eat out on a fairly regular basis. We missed going out to eat on Monday (Eileen’s birthday), so I think we’ll be heading for her favorite restaurant tonight, El Rancho.

Normal People: A Novel: Rooney, Sally: 9781984822178: Amazon.com: Books

Savannah my grand daughter is reading Normal People by Sally Rooney. I am reading it to see what it’s like. The main characters are just a bit older than Savannah. Unsurprisingly, they having sex like crazy. But still there is a story and Zadie Smith blurbed Rooney’s first novel, Conversation with Friends.

Off to do some dishes.

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