whippy skippy part 423

Dear Diary,

Whew and gosh! What a day I had yesterday. I spent most of the day trying to jump-start my Mom back into doing something besides laying in bed and taking mild sedatives during the day.

 I also phoned my lawyer for the third time this week and left a message asking about the status of my parents’ medicaid application.

Then I phoned the medicaid people directly but apparently their computers were going haywire. My case worker’s voice mail message was only taking “high priority” messages (whatever the heck that is. I guess I’m supposed to know how high a priority my questions are.)  Plus I spoke to my Mom’s insurance company regarding the recent accident my brother had with her car

(no was hurt. debris struck the car as they were crossing a bridge in Toledo.)  

Did my Mom’s pills and bills (took away her sedatives).

 I had planned to stop in and say hi to my demented Dad but by the time I had dealt with my Mom I was emotionally and physically exhausted. Then I went grocery shopping. Somewhere in there I got a call from the lawyer who chuckled in my ear about whether I thought he had “fallen off the face of the earth.” “Hah. hah.” I said.

He hadn’t called back because he hadn’t received a response from medicaid to the fax he had sent. I told him that by phoning them that morning I had discovered they were having computer stuff. Gosh.

I guess they don’t teach phoning the concerned parties in law school. I bit my tongue and didn’t ask him if he knew a lawyer because I and my folks could use one right now.

By 5:00 I was tucking into a martini and trying not to think about parents, church, or the fact that the check I demanded for my services to Grand Haven High didn’t come in the mail again today. Whippy skippy.

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