

I’m glad to arrive at this morning with last night’s concert in the past. It went well, of course. Eileen began the day saying that she had had too much input on Tuesday. That is definitely how I feel this morning: too much input.

There were some surprises for me. Huw Lewis emailed me and asked me to pull stops for him. This was certainly a surprise to me. But Huw continued to surprise me, not just with affability but when at the end of the evening the first words out of his mouth were about bringing his students to Grace to play the Pasi on a regular basis. This is something I have been trying to get him to agree to do. Will wonders never cease?

Another surprise was how many people seemed to like my little composition, “Mental Floss.” Some qualified it by saying they like the middle section better.

I was surprised that all three of the other players “worked the crowd.” Rhonda did an especially nice job of taking the listeners into her music with her explanations. Shit. If I had known that other three people were going to talk, I might have talked myself.

Unsurprisingly, everyone of us organists played well, myself included. I always wish I could have played a little better, but I was very satisfied with my performance and happy that I was able to come up with a reasonable rendition of “Mental Floss” despite it only being in a playable form for about two weeks.

In addition, I kept adjusting it right up until yesterday. Now I think it’s in a finished form and I will add my changes to the Finale doc and then put it up here and pass it on to people like Rhonda who have expressed interest in it.

Speaking of Rhonda, I think she played brilliantly last night. I’m glad that she is in our little town. (Hi Rhonda!)


Today I have a funeral at 10:30. I ‘d like to get some treadmiling in. Rev Jen has convened a “staff development” meeting this afternoon at Applebees for Dollaritas tm. Eileen is going with me.

Image result for applebee's dollar margaritas

Basically I’m feeling very spoiled this morning when I look around at where I am in my life at this time. The pieces I played last night representing a stretching of my abilities. It’s good not to have fucked them up too badly. Life is good.

I love book lists even written by Republicans. Rice talks about books on Russia that she recommends and influenced her own life.

Nicolas Slonimsky on Frank Zappa – YouTube

Craig Cramer told me a story about Zappa bring Slonimsky on stage at a concert. Who knew?

Her memoirs look interesting. Lots of quotes from them in the obit.

The Booker Prize’s Bad History – The New York Times

I keep learning about the horror of history.

The Seeds of Media Self-Sabotage | Crooked Media

Bookmarked to read.


2 thoughts on “whew

  1. Once you have your Mental Floss piece in Finale, can you make a midi file so that I can hear it while looking at the music? Or did someone do a recording of last night’s recital? I’d enjoy hearing it. You could transfer the recording to me via Dropbox.


  2. I’ll do better than that. I am planning on making a little mp3 of it at some point. Sarah gave me a new mic to try out with my computer. Since it’s in my fingers, now would be a good time to make that recording. I’ll make sure you get a copy.

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