

We are ensconced at my son’s home in California. Yesterday was a bit of a marathon trip, but it is pleasant to travel with Eileen. We didn’t miss any flights but it was a longer journey of three legs from Grand Rapids to Chicago to Denver to Ontario.

I managed to sleep in slightly this morning to about 7:30 local time, but that is significantly less sleep than I usually get. It has been fun catching up Cynthia and the kids this morning. I wasn’t able to find time to study Greek yet but that is of little importance. Nicholas and I are already doing some talking about music. Good times.

I spent a lot of time on my tablet yesterday. Consequently I have links.

Assange, Avowed Foe of Clinton, Timed Email Release for Democratic Convention – The New York Times

And in today’s NYT further confirmation that Russia was involved in this. Yikes.

The Otherworldly Polka Dots of Spotted Lake – The New York Times

Good video with this. Beautiful stuff.

Meet Luca, the Ancestor of All Living Things – The New York Times

I love Science Tuesday at the NYT. This is a fascinating study of possible ideas of how life began in our universe.

Tim LaHaye Dies at 90; Fundamentalist Leader’s Grisly Novels Sold Millions – The New York Times

This is insane man had a doctorate from Western Theological Seminary just down the street. Again yikes.

Justices Show How Disclosing Revisions Offers (Confers?) Benefits – The New York Times

Accuracy and transparency. Very cool.

Robert Reich: Does Hillary Clinton Understand the Biggest Divide in American Politics? – Truthdig

I continue thinking about what is happening now in the USA. Reich is one of my heroes. He has stuff to stay in this short article.

Let Me Remind You Fuckers Who I Am — Medium

What Hilary could say if she could. This is a bit on the partisan side, but I like it!

Become a Pastry Rock Star With This Herringbone Lattice Pie | Serious Eats

Looks like fun.


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