what's better than Pandora?

I tried to teach Pandora radio to only play early French Baroque music this morning. To no avail. I entered Louis Couperin. The music genome project which underlies this web site analyzed the music. It found that it was something like uptempo, played on harpsichord, and some other stylistic comments. I heard a Pandora panel discuss how they do this. They use their musical brains to try to objectively analyze the music. Then the play list can reflect the actual sounds of the music and sometimes come up with other music like the entered musician or song.

Unfortunately, I don’t think they factored in French Baroque which is what I was trying to listen to. They kept suggesting other harpsichord composers. But not French ones. I kept clicking on the  I don’t like this song tab in hopes that I could convince the station to play French Baroque. It didn’t work. I also found out something else. Eventually, they quit stopping on the songs you don’t like. I mean you have to listen to it all the way through instead of skipping to the next  one. At this point, I closed the frame and preferred the early morning silence. Good grief.

Now I can hear the rain pouring down on the icy ground and pavement. Nice sound, but I hope it doesn’t create bad driving conditions.

I find myself ebbing from post-recital lethargy to a more typical low grade melancholy. French baroque music seems to help this. Also a large dose of Schubert piano sonatas. I mean of course playing these things myself mostly. It’s a bit early to start banging away on music with Eileen still sleeping upstairs although she has told me it doesn’t bother her if I play the piano in the morning.

I have been going over our finances and it continues to look a bit shaky. Yesterday I figured out our medical costs for 2009 so far so that we can have a working total to create a flex plan at Eileen’s work. Out of pocket we spent around 2800.00 on medical costs last year. It promises to be much more next year. Oy.

I’m afraid my Xmas gift giving will have to reflect this to some extent. Damn. I wanted to compose something for people this Xmas. The composing is relatively easy to do. But recording is another animal altogether. I continue to be unhappy with my recordings. But not unhappy enough to sink time and money into making better recordings. I’d rather practice and perform. Selfish git that I am.

Maybe I can bake stuff for people for Xmas.

I donated 10 lb sterling to Pawel Siwczak’s web site yesterday via Paypal. I did this since I have downloaded all free MP3s he offers on his web site.  http://www.pawelsiwczak.com/

I also called my Senators (Stabenow & Levin) to urge them to vote against the Nelson/Hatch amendment to the health care plan prohibiting federal monies for abortion coverage.

I keep stopping and listening to the rain. Definitely better than Pandora this morning.

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