what a day!



Eileen’s Mom passed away last night. As I write this she is still in Whitehall with the family planning the funeral. As it stands, It will be a week from tomorrow. I think this has a been a difficult but healthy time for the family as they said good bye to their beloved Mother. Dorothy was 94 years old and was pretty lucid. I hope and pray that she was comfortable. I think she was.

Eileen came home briefly Monday evening and spent the evening here in Holland. She returned on Tuesday after a call from her sister Mary telling her that Dorothy was failing. So I have been doing quite a bit of batching it.


My day yesterday was pretty crazy. Eileen had scheduled Baumann and De Groot to come and finish the job of furnace/air conditioning installation. During their installation they inadvertently shut off all outside faucets. Eileen didn’t figure this out right away. But when she did she contacted them and they made plans to fix it on Wednesday arriving around 10 AM.

Unfortunately this was also one of two possible scheduled electricity outages from our local Board of Public works. And of course at 10 AM yesterday morning all electricity ceased  in my house. I called Baumann and De Groot who decided they could go ahead with their work without electricity.

The workman arrived and in the course of trying to keep the cat the house I managed to lock myself out of the house right as the workman left to get more materials for the repair. The front door was locked and so was the back. The workman had wanted to come into the basement through the door on the basement landing. After he had assessed the situation, he stepped out through that door and I pulled it shut immediately realizing that I was locked out.

The work man asked me if he could help me get back in. Next time, I will definitely say yes, but this time I thought I could probably open the front door by reaching through the open windows. This was not the case. I managed to get one window too far from the door to reach it and began to crawl in.

In doing this, I inadvertently swung my foot up and completely shattered the glass in the window which at that point was above my head and torso. I am happy to report that I was very lucky and suffered only a couple minor cuts from the glass. I moved carefully and crawled into the porch feeling pretty stupid but lucky not to be bleeding profusely.

All of this was occurring on the my busiest day of the week. This week was especially busy because we had our first staff meeting of the Fall complete with a luncheon together. I also had a meeting with Jen scheduled and a piano lesson to give not to mention numerous tasksI to prepare for the evening choir rehearsal.

I have been cutting back on alcohol. But last night at the end of the day I had a martini. What a day!

Black Female Lawmaker in Vermont Resigns After Racial Harassment – The New York Times

The racial madness in our country is unabated.  It makes me crazy.

How Russia Helped Swing the Election for Trump | The New Yorker

Image result for jamieson cyberwar

This article inspired me to purchase a Kindle copy of the book reviewed.

NYTimes: Trump’s America: Reckless, Alone and Ridiculed

Trump’s performance at the UN is a new low in American statesmanship. I can’t imagine how the history of this period will be written. I am certain it will not be described as one of the times we found our better angels.

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