weird days at my house

Had the weirdest day yesterday. I had a ton of tasks to do for my Mom. I was sort of dreading calling people and trying to get stuff done. But I did a ton of stuff and it felt like a weight off my back. So the rest of the day went very nicely.

It’s odd that sometimes I just seem to revitalize. It feels distinctly like a gift from somewhere and completely unearned or uncaused. I used to call it being in the grips of an unreasonable optimism. It’s probably a chemical imbalance. Heh.

I waded back into Enderby last night and finished “Inside Enderby” the first of three volumes. I do like Anthony Burgess.

Also plugging away on The Gift by Lewis Hyde. Good stuff.

I rehearsed a bit with my friend Jordan. He didn’t seem to be much in the mood to play. I’m hoping he will call me back for a rematch this week, but I guess we’ll see. I played through a ton of Scarlatti and Beethoven.  Good stuff and rewarding to play through.

If not, I have plans to do stuff around the house. Like continue to organize the place. And god forbid compose.

Got up this morning and used the weird oven my Mom gave me to bake quiche.

It’s a combination microwave/half-time oven. I tried to use the half-time feature this morning but it seemed to end up taking just about as long as a preheated conventional oven. The pie is cooling and I’m waiting for Eileen to come down and eat some.

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