wednesday overwhelmed

I have until next Tuesday to clear out my Mom’s apartment. She is still sorting through her clothes. I am planning to take her over there this afternoon. It’s unrealistic to expect her to work at this more than an hour or two a day. Yikes.

I am also looking at picking out a laptop and printer for her to purchase and use in her apartment at the nursing home. She has said that she finds comfort in the furniture we brought over last week. Good.

The violin teacher from Hope College emailed me that he will not be able to play a violin part in a Bach cantata movement I have scheduled for August. I still have some ideas up my sleeve.

My basement has gone from flooded to damp.

My saxophone player opted out of rehearsal yesterday.

I think I’m feeling a bit overwhelmed for some reason.

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0 thoughts on “wednesday overwhelmed

  1. I’m sorry you’re feeling overwhelmed lately..
    I keep having my serious mental lapses as well.

    I’m amazed at that photo, second-to-last. Its almost identical to the stairwell to the basement… creepy!

    i love you.

  2. Ditto on the steps comment! It looks just like ours!

    Hope the mental overwhelmed feeling will lift after this weekend. We should have everything out! The weather has been rather stifling as well – hope the heat lets up a bit soon.

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