vacation from practicing


Yesterday was one of those rare days when I didn’t put my hands on a musical instrument all day. I guess I needed a vacation even from that.

I did do a lot of reading. I finished the second volume of Gormenghast.

In the afternoon, Eileen, Mark and I made a trip to Grayling and bought groceries.

We are expecting more family members to arrive tomorrow.  Adult kids of Mark and Leigh and their significant others.

1. PDF Do Musical Works Contain an Implied Listener” by John Butt

I read this yesterday. It’s kind of dry but is a topic I’m interested in. I did listen to the opening of the Bruckner symphony Butt mentions.

2. Before Shooting in Iraq, a Warning on Blackwater –


3. A Disregarded Request From a Beloved Senator Shakes Up Hawaii’s Primary – NYT

Who has more influence, a dead senator or a sitting president?

4. The lost promise of the Internet: Meet the man who almost invented cyberspace – Salon

Thank you to Brother Mark for pointing me to this one.

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