up up and away

Not much time to post again. I crammed a lot of stuff into yesterday and have a lot to do as well. What happened to my happy go lucky life style?

Yesterday I got caught up in a little composition project for tomorrow. I meet with some composer types in Grand Rapids. Our fearless leader, Nick Palmer, gives us a text to set and we all set the same one. The text I set yesterday was the Roman Catholic Ash Wednesday Introit from the biblical book of Wisdom: “Lord, you are merciful to all, and hate nothing you have created. You overlook the sins of men and bring them into repentance.”

Happy stuff, eh? Anyway, even though this religious stuff, it is one of the few arenas now where I can get people to talk to me about composing. So what the hey.

Anyway, after a nice online chat with my daughter Sarah in England, I quickly did my bulletin paragraph for Sunday and then settled in to several hours of composing. Sheesh.

I needed to get more done on the program for Sunday’s recital but it fell to the side. That will be today’s project: to get a rough draft of it done.

I also have to do dishes, exercise, meet with the string players for a rehearsal, meet with my boss, meet with the high school kids to prep for Sat gig (they managed to fill up their snow day and canceled yesterday’s rehearsal). So onward and upward.

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