




$95 and several weeks later I have my laptop back. It’s unrepaired but seems to be working as well as it was other than now it has now way to connect to audio.

Today is Ash Wednesday and I’m starting the day fatigued.

Having been ill, I guess it’s too much to think I would wake refreshed today ready for the tasks ahead. I don’t think I pushed myself too hard yesterday. Before lunch, I retrieved the laptop. The geek squad dude was amused when I exclaimed, “Praise Jesus!” when he told me there was no further charge. Then I drove to the church to do my prep for upcoming services. Came home for some lunch. Decided to put off getting my Mom more reading material. Eileen visited her on Monday and she said she still has books to read. My friend Rhonda dropped by kids and visiting friend Katerina from Germany in tow. She was picking up music I had set aside for her and dropping off some other music I had loaned her. I think her kids might have been curious to see Miss Eileen’s digs and were a bit disappointed Eileen wasn’t here.

After they left I treadmilled and made supper for Eileen and me.

I don’t feel like I pushed it yesterday but I’m still a bit tired and shaky today. I have the usual 8:30 AM ballet class, meet with the boss around 11:30 and have the usual service this evening. I remarked to Eileen that doing a service is much less work than doing the weekly rehearsals.

On Facebookistan I notice that my young and strong niece Emily takes afternoon naps. This is something I should cultivate. I have noticed that if I’m sitting in my chair in the afternoon I do manage to doze off for a moment, but only a moment.

I read about a third of Obama’s State of the Union this morning. Politics depresses me when I’m this under the weather I think.

This evening the prelude and postlude are standard Bach pieces I can pretty  much play at the drop of the hat for funerals: “Ich ruf zu dir, Herr Jesu Christ (I Call On Thee, Lord Jesus Christ) BWV 639″ for the prelude and O Mensch, bewein’ dein’ Sünde gross (O mankind, mourn your great sins) BWV 622” for the postlude.

I’m pretty sure I can make it through today. Maybe I’ll work in that nap this afternoon.


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