two down one to go


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Energy is a important consideration for me in my mid sixties. I find it important to get some rest during the day if i call on myself to do something strenuous in the evening. So yesterday, in the afternoon I managed to lay down and read for an hour or so.

In the morning, I received a call from my Mom’s nursing home. She had fallen and was complaining of back pain. I think they were reluctant to move her. At any rate they called an Emergency team to come and evaluate and possibly take her to the local ER. A half hour later the nursing home called and said Mom was on her way to the ER.

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When I finally got moving it was around 11 AM. I needed to go to church to prep for the evening services, but decided to drop by and see what Mom’s status was. If I seem cavalier about my Mom being in the ER, it might have something to do with the fact that we are no strangers to the ER. It’s the nursing home’s policy to hand off residents when they are ill or injured. Mom has been both at one time or another during her stay there.

Even before the nursing home, I ended up with Mom (and Dad)  in the ER from time to time.

It turns out that we timed it perfectly (Eileen came with me). They had just finished evaluating her and deciding she was okay. A nurse told me she was just preparing to call the Emergency team to return her to the nursing home. So we took her back.

While I was resting in the afternoon yesterday I finished the graphic novel my daughter Elizabeth recently gave me. The Arab of the Future by Riad Sattouf.

Image result for the arab of the future

It’s a memoir of sorts about his childhood in France and Syria.

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What’s striking about it is how the reader gets a chance to see life in these countries from the point of view of a bright young man with a ruthless sense of clarity and honesty about what he is experiencing. The narrator, the young boy, notices smells and sights that are convincing in their brutal honesty.

Unfortunately it’s volume one and ends in a “to be continued” moment. I will have to read the next volume. Riad himself worked for Charlie Hebdo in Paris for a while. This was the sight of an atrocious and murderous attack in 2015 on a satirical magazine where many people died.

Image result for charlie hebdo shooting

The evening services went pretty smoothly last night. The choir sounded good at the later service. People sang lustily at both. Two down, one to go. I have a 10 AM service today. This community hasn’t had a service on Christmas day for quite a while. But since today is Sunday we decided to have a Eucharist. It will be interesting to see who shows up.

In Cancer Trials, Minorities Face Extra Hurdles – The New York Times

Despite the negative aspect of this story, the report is encouraging as it describes the success of one man in managing his health care despite obstacles.

President Gorbachev’s Last Phone Call – The New York Times

Remember back when leaders acted responsible. Good times.

Why It’s Not Wrong to Wish Muslims Merry Christmas – The New York Times

I learned some stuff from this article. I knew that Jesus was recognized by Islam, but hadn’t thought about the fact that his story was in the Koran.

Populism, Real and Phony – The New York Times

Comparing Trump-style “populism” (white supremacy?) to some movements in Europe.

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