trying to work part time


So this is tricky, trying to keep a healthy distance between me and my gig. Tuesdays are shaping up as a good day and time to do stuff for the fun of it. However, in the back of my mind are some nagging things weighing on me about work.  For the third or fourth year, I am getting roped into doing the musical that the church puts on for its stewardship campaign. I don’t mind doing it so much. What bothers me is the indirect way I have been involved in it. No one ever asked me to do it. It was just expected that I would put in extra time for it.

Last year, I got roped into singing a solo in it. Once again I was involved before I knew what was happening and there was no graceful way to back out.  Monday I received an email from one of the organizers telling me and others to respond and say which evenings this week we could rehearse. It was overwhelming and not clear if the organizer was looking for multiple rehearsals. I emailed the boss but she hasn’t replied. In the meantime one of the “stars” has responded to all that he is busy this week (of course…. why wouldn’t he be? since there was no warning that there were to be rehearsals this week). I’m not sure if that puts the kabosh on it or not.

(Update: I received an email from the boss. She said I could limit myself to participating a couple of times closer to the actual performance. She also promised this was the last year for this kind thing. Hah.)

Tomorrow I will finally turn my attention toward getting some music for the author of this thing. He has been emailing me for months that I needed to transcribe the melody he wants from YouTube. What a pain. Anyway, I’ll look at it tomorrow. Fuck the duck.

Eileen is off getting her hair done. It has been warm and rainy in Holland this morning. Thank goodness for air conditioning. We couldn’t find a movie to go see today. So we’re going to go out to lunch then come home and watch “Get Out” online.

Image result for get out movieThis movie is directed by Jordan Peele. Eileen and I have been enjoying Key and Peele shows. They are silly but we like them.

Image result for key and peele

I think the two men are quite talented. Jordan Peele was the impetus behind BlacKkKlansman. The movie was originally his baby, but he decided apparently he was too busy and got Spike Lee to do it.

It sure is good to have Eileen back in the house. I like my solitude but I love my wife and want her around.

Clarkesworld Magazine – Science Fiction & Fantasy : Issue 143

I recently started listening to old podcasts from this mag.

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