trying to relax

I idiotically did not bring my netbook and indeed any book when I stopped by at Liberty Tax to sign the papers for my Mom’s tax filing.

I had filled the car with the equipment I need to play keyboard on the street. Then I had put on a suit and tie, tied my hair back tightly. My plan was to go immediately to the street after stopping at the tax place.

But not surprisingly there were people ahead of me there. The person who was preparing my Mom’s taxes said it would be about ten minutes. It was actually quite a bit longer than that.

So while waiting I perused National Geographics. I discovered that they seem to encourage people to download their lovely photographs to use for wallpaper for a desktop.

Photo: Stone-marked grave
Stone Marked Grave in Libya

They have a photo of the day. This lovely desert pic is today’s.

Photo: Atom bomb test
Atom Bomb Test, Bikini Atoll

Interestingly National Geographic does not indicate when this photo was taken. A quick google makes me think it’s around 1946. I decided it made a good desktop and put it on my desktop computer’s desktop as the wallpaper.

I also noticed a writer with same name as my brother, Mark Jenkins.

So apparently my brother shares a name with a published writer. Cool.

So I did go play on the street. I played a lot softer. Several people stopped and chatted with me. Most of them were local musicians I know, none of them associated with the college.

I spent some time talking to one guitar teacher about how Bartok’s music works. He wasn’t very enthusiastic until I showed him the six pieces at the end of the Mikrokosmos based on Bulgarian Rhythms. Those he liked.

I also chatted up my old buddy Jonathon Fegel. He and I don’t see much of each other now that he is working four jobs and has two children. I told him I had already had my babies. He seems pretty happy.

I am dreading a meeting today with my boss and another person who works at my church.

I am beginning to suspect that my position is in jeopardy. This makes me crazy because I have had little concrete indication, but I see my boss’s weird activity as possibly meaning that despite my accomplishments at Grace I might be looking at losing a power struggle when I wasn’t even all that aware one was going on.

My goal is keep my mouth shut as much as possible today and try to be constructive but not shoot myself in the foot.

I need the gig.

We’ll see. I might be over-analyzing. Who am I kidding? I am over-analyzing.  I am trying to trust my boss but she doesn’t seem to be addressing the issues that she talks to me about privately. Instead it seems as though I am the problem. Oy.

I’ll try to report in this space if it’s appropriate.

In the meantime I’m wrapping this up and jumping on the treadmill. Today is the day I report to the doctor and she tells me if I go on statins or not for my cholesterol and beef up my blood pressure medicine.

For the most part my blood pressure has plummeted. But the readings are a bit higher the last few days. I am worrying over stuff at church. I wonder how this effects it. Also Eileen is convinced that my four martinis effect it. I sure hope that’s not the case. I will miss martinis.

I spent some time with Bartok on the piano last night and reading War and Peace on my netbook. Trying to relax.

Flattering to notice that my friend Nick has been reading my silly blog. Hi, Nick! Thanks for doubling my readership, dude.

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