trying to coast


I drove up to North Muskegon to pick up Eileen yesterday. She was waiting at the house of her sister, Nancy. It’s good to have her home. We celebrated by going out to eat at El Rancho. We had great food and a pitcher of margaritas.

Earlier in the afternoon my trio decided what we are going to play at church a week from this Sunday. My violinist wanted us to do something that weekend because she has family visiting and wanted them to hear us. Playing at church is an easy way to do this.

We decided to play trio movements by Hovhaness, Loeillet, and Mozart. It’s all music we have performed before and it’s all good music. It will be a nice addition to the service.

I am plowing ahead in Ben Ratliff’s Every Song Ever despite my increasing suspicion that it’s not a terribly well written book and doesn’t have ideas in it that interest me. It’s a library book and I have told myself I want to finish it before it is due.

Eileen and I will probably take it easy today. Yesterday took a lot out of me. I need to continue to coast as though I’m still sort of on vacation. Hopefully I can pull that off.

A Hater for All Seasons by Garry Wills | NYR Daily | The New York Review of Books

Gary Wills is a writer I have read over the years. He wrote Nixon Agonistes as well as other titles I have read. It will be interesting to see how he approaches Trump. Bookmarked to read.

In New Zealand, Lands and Rivers Can Be People (Legally Speaking) – The New York Times

This makes more sense to me than the corporation thingo.

The Media’s Gift to Trump: Low Expectations –

This is by Neal Gabler who is another writer I follow. Moyers has been dead for a while. I sometimes wonder about what I see going past on my Facelessbook feed from a dead guy. Apparently someone is still keeping up the feed. Gabler is good.

A New Species of Beetle Named After President Xi Is Blacklisted on Chinese Social Media · Global Voices

I think it’s funny they named a bug after this dude.

Read President Obama’s Speech From the Dallas Memorial Service | TIME

This seems to be another outstanding speech by the president. I haven’t finished reading it all the way through yet.



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