Time for Jupe to take a step back from stuff


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Eileen and I may go out of town. I want to get some serious work done on the composition for the silly AGO USB Stick. Yesterday I spent about an hour dumping my hand written sketches into Finale.  I only managed to get a small portion in, but I was pleasantly surprised that I have done so much since I have been worrying about it.

I can remember as a young man working  on a piece all alone in a resort cabin. I believe I was working on an oboe sonatina for my brother and his wife. It was both dedicated to them and written for them to perform together (which they did). I recall it was a small cottage of basically one room. I taped manuscript sketches on the walls. It helped me hold the piece in my mind as I developed it.

I would like to get in that sort of a mental space next week, except I would like Eileen to be with me.

I was very unhappy with my performance as choir director last evening.


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I put a lot of thought into the rehearsal. In the last year or so, I have rehearsed pieces in the order they will be performed. But it is better to think carefully about the order of rehearsal and the objectives and then develop an order for the rehearsal.  This is what I did yesterday.

The choir did fine. But in retrospect I think I shouldn’t have spent so much time at the piano during the rehearsal. Usually I rehearse from the organ bench. It turns out that when I sit at the piano in our present set up it puts too much distance between me and the choir. So that even though I took time to help everyone put their music in order for the rehearsal I still had to work hard to keep people with me.

And a good deal of the new music is challenging for the group. Plus I had several people absent due to illness and one person had to leave because she didn’t feel well.

I should go walk on the treadmill and skip my martini this evening. But I’m not doing to do either.

The piano trio is playing Sunday. We rehearsed today and it was very satisfying. It is a  delight to meet with this people and make music.Sunday should be fun. This is part of my problem. Everything I do i enjoy. I just find myself in need of better perspective.

I felt off balance much of yesterday including a staff luncheon/meeting. When I talked privately to Jen about it, she said that it was not apparent. But I was working at being appropriate in my comments and behavior. It did take work.

When I’m this tired and distracted it’s harder to do the reading and thinking I like to do. Instead I have been playing more crossword puzzles.

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