throwing back thursday


Yesterday I tossed another day of life into my past. I had nothing scheduled and my brain went on hold for most of the day. I stared at books, Facebooger, chatted with my daughter and wife, generally did little eschewing even my passion of practicing for the most part. I did spend a bit of time with Philip Glass’s Etude 11 that I keep regularly murdering…. I mean practicing.

Eileen and Sarah set off in the drizzle to watch a parade. I remained behind. Eventually I summoned meager ambition and ambled over to Mom’s nursing home and back. On my return I began listening to Brahms. It seemed to fit with my and the day’s mood. I was pleased to find the recording that I know best of Brahms Fourth Symphony on YouTube.

But it wasn’t until after the return of wife and daughter that I discovered that I was looking for this movement.

I only figured this out quietly examining my piano transcriptions of the Brahms symphonies.

I feel slightly more sane this morning. I think I needed a day off or something. Here’s another recording of Mov III from Brahms’ Fourth Symphony, slightly slower.

I was fantasizing about taking a notebook to take notes to my therapy session scheduled next month. I guess I’m slightly anxious about doing therapy, but mostly I’m curious in what feels like an uncomfortably self obsessed way.

I apologized to my friend Peter in an email for recently allowing my mask of serenity to slip and bit and going all intense all over him. He replied that he knew me and expected intensity. Nice.

I’m listening to the second recording above through headphones. The bedroom where my daughter, Sarah, is staying is on the first floor and I don’t want to disturb her more than is necessary with my morning noises and routine.

I was happy to find several lines of the original Greek of Sophocles’ Antigone this morning in a collection of Greek Verse.

George Steiner’s book on Antigones is engrossing. This morning I read a small chapter entirely on the first line of this play, examining the words carefully. I feel a bit goofy about this, but I am fascinated by this kind of thing.

Besides my usual studying and reading this morning, I found myself puling out this book and reading in it.

Karen Gordon has written an engaging little book about the subject of English grammar. Part of her cleverness is her demonstration sentences which seem to be talking about some interesting evolving situations involving vampires, werewolves, and debutantes.

Well, enough.

Although I am better today I suspect I am in the throes of winding down this choral season at church. Soon I will be able to relax in the back yard and read. I think I need it.

Russian Insider Says State-Run Doping Fueled Olympic Gold – The New York Times

This is today’s lead story on the NYT reader app I use. I was hooked when I read about the switching of bottles of urine. Wow.

Largehearted Boy: Excerpt: Mike Edison’s Memoir You Are a Complete Disappointment

Excerpt of the book I mentioned yesterday. Looks fun.

In Paris Suburbs, Adopting a Dreaded School Test as a Tool of Integration – The New York Times

The idea that it’s both a challenge and a mark of literacy to be able to transcribe spoken French is very cool.

Facebook’s Bias Is Built-In, and Bears Watching – The New York Times

The topic sentence of this article blew me away: “Facebook is the world’s most influential source of news.” What? If true, that explains a lot.

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