thoughtlets before dawn

Man, what is up with the spam on my comments? The bots are scowering my old posts and putting up more and more bogus comments. I suspect it might be related to the fact that I am using an old (hence more hackable) version of Word Press. If I could just get my shit together I would soon redesign this dam site and use something besides wordpress.

After surviving this morning’s colonoscopy, I want to put my attention toward my upcoming leetle gig at Lemonjellos (warming up for another band).

Steve has a peter pan complex that keeps thrusting him back into goofy situations.
Steve has a peter pan complex that keeps thrusting him back into goofy situations.

Since my friend the bass player has decided he will play with me, I have been thinking I will do “Blue Rondo a la Turk” by Brubeck at this gig. Nate (the bass player) and I performed this recently and it went well. I’m also thinking of doing a string bass version of Arvo Part’s Spiegel Im Spiegel. This would give Nate a chance to show off his bow technique and would sound pretty cool.

In my own compositions I have rewritten “Empty Rooms’ (I have actually taken away the word “empty” from the lyrics so I guess this is now “Rooms.” Heh).

This piece was conceived as a commentary on the ambiguous roles of simultaneously being a son and a father of a son. Unusually for me it was conceived as a sort of comment on all the misunderstandings and abandonments in these kind of male relationships. Since my own father died rather recently, I revised this piece, tightening it up a bit. I will probably perform it at Lemonjellos.

Also have re-arranged “Why did the elephant cross the road?” for piano and voice.

I’m hoping to get some motivation around performing at Lemonjellos soon. I haven’t played guitar in a while. Most of my musical energy has not been directed towards writing my “Bad Paul Simon” songs. I’m sure I’ll get more motivated soon. After this dang colonoscopy at least.

I also need to get going on some clever planning for my fall church choir season.

This is actually an enourmous amount of work and involves looking at lots of music and indexes and thinking about the readings for each Sunday. I probably make this task much more complicated than it needs to be. On the other hand it’s a part of the job I enjoy.

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