this is a good life

I woke up gently this morning. Laying in the dark I sometimes muse on my life and my family and friends.

It’s a mellow feeling. I spent most of my waking hours yesterday in front of a computer, composing and arranging instrumental parts for the three days of the Triduum: Maundy Thursday, Good Friday and the Easter Vigil/Sunday Service.  Then I emailed multiple parts and cheat sheets to the musicians. I meet with my boss at 11 to go over some stuff. After that if I haven’t heard from my musicians, I will begin printing up parts for this evening’s rehearsal.

Right now I think I’m going to not think about church burnout and try and stay in that morning feeling.

animated gifs coffee

As I cleared my messy kitchen to make coffee, I was aided in this by listening once again to “One Day Like This by Elbow” on my MP3 player.

I ran across this on Monday and posted it on Facebook as an “antidote to Monday.” Since then I have been listening to it on and off.

This morning I got up and bought Elbow’s latest CD. I’m listening to it right now.

This music is working for me.

Must be that morning mood.

Lippy kids on the corner again,
Lippy kids on the corner begin settling like crows.
And I never perfected that simian stroll,
But the cigarette scent, it was everything then.

Do they know those days are golden?
Build a rocket, boys!
Build a rocket, boys!
One long June i came down from the trees
And cursed on cue,
You were freshly painted angel walking on walls,
Stealing booze and outlawing hungry kisses.
Nobody knew me at home anymore
Build a rocket, boys!
Build a rocket, boys!

Lippy kids on the corner again.
Find More lyrics at
Lippy kids on the corner begin settling like crows.
And I never affected that simian stroll, no!


Do they know those days are golden?
Build a rocket, boys!
Build a rocket, boys!
One long June i came down from the trees
And cursed on cue,
You were freshly painted angel walking on walls,
Stealing booze and outlawing hungry kisses.
Nobody knew me at home anymore
Build a rocket, boys!
Build a rocket, boys!


I was thinking this morning how I haven’t been playing my guitar very much lately.  Fortunately my guitar skills (such as they are) don’t seem to go away if I don’t practice. When I had my mid-life crisis, quit my job and started practicing and composing more,

part of what I did was revive my guitar songs and then write some more of them.  I also starting improving my keyboard skills at the piano and organ.

This improvement is continuing through the present. All of this was and is  satisfying. I did several gigs in coffee houses utilizing young musicians and handing out copies of my lyrics.


The popular music genres are part of my musical language.  In fact from my point of view everything I write is related.

Though I haven’t had conventional success, my life as a musician and writer seems to be a good one.

I am an eccentric and have sort of stepped out of line from easily identifiable musical roles. But this doesn’t bother me that much. In fact I see it as a direct result of my own conscious choices, few of which I would do differently in retrospect.

I am able to use my skills as a composer (at church) and improviser (at church and the ballet class and the occasional gig) to make a little money while I spent most of my time practicing, composing, thinking about music and reading books. This is a good life.

Black and white dancing girlBlack and white dancing girlBlack and white dancing girl

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