things looking up a bit

I had a very constructive hour and a half conversation with my boss yesterday. I keep saying how much I like this woman and yesterday was more evidence of her skills as a leader. One of the things we discussed about my job was beginning a conversation with the choir about its current direction. So last night after about fifteen minutes of rehearsing Bach’s Crucifixus, I sat down with the choir and had a little heart to heart. 

I took them through my concerns. I think I did this in a pretty non-threatening way (for me anyway). People talked. I wrote some of their comments on a poster board as we talked. For the first time in my life I found a way to at least tell my choristers that one of my favorite choral techniques book is the “LIttle Red Hen.” Heh. 

So onward and upward. This afternoon I have a rehearsal scheduled with a new percussionist for my coffee house gig. He is recommended by my trusted friend Jonathon so I have high hopes that this will work out well. I sure do miss using drums in some of my songs.

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