things are happening


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I dreamed about my Uncle Ivan last night. He has been dead for years. In my dream, I embraced him and told him how glad I was that he was still around. I then told him that I loved him, something I never did when he was alive. He was the husband of my mother’s sister.

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This may have been prompted by the 90th birthday of my Aunt Wanda. She was the wife of my mother’s brother and is one of my few living relatives of my parents’ generation.

I have been having several dreams where I find myself consoling and supporting other people in the dream, usually men. I also embrace them.

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I like to think this me learning to embrace my different selves.

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Speaking of mental health, I had a good meeting with my therapist yesterday. It turns out that he attended a Dan Siegel workshop on interpersonal neural biology. Siegel also took the group of about 200 people through his handy dandy wheel of perception.

Dr. Birky (my therapist) also heard Toni Morrison in person when she gave the graduation speech at the graduation of one of his kids. He was impressed with her (as am I).

Tomorrow is the choir’s first Sunday this year. Eileen helped me stuff folders today. I think we are as ready as we can be. We also introduce the new, cool bi-lingual (Spanish/English) bulletin.

Things are happening.

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“I Cannot Say I Did Not,” by Sharon Olds | The New Yorker

I do like Sharon Olds.

Canva Pro

My boss introduce me to this online printing app. It looks interesting.



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