the usual blog post…. nothing nothing nothing

I think I may have had food poisoning or something yesterday. About midday I started feeling bad: cramps and aches and pains. Went to bed for rest of day. Woke up fine this morning. Probably more than you want to know, eh?

I keep getting fuddled at other people’s online communications and comments. I think that it’s sometimes hard for people to understand the nature and context of platforms like Facebook or websites. Hence comments are often cryptic, especially when they are made rarely.

Found a couple of interesting comic book links recently: is an online compendium of comics. Very cool.

The Imp is a short lived magazine which discusses and reviews comics….  click here to get three pdfs of this interesting magazine.  I recommend exploring the rest of Dan Raeborn’s web site. He is a writer and puts a lot of his stuff up to read free.

Taylor Branch the civil rights historian had an interesting take on Glenn Beck’s recent DC rally yesterday: “Doctor King’s Newest Marcher.”

Guilty pleasures: reading the NYT mag article on William Shatner. Actually sort of thought provoking for me. I like Shatner’s existential comments about playing himself playing a role.  “The Many Iterations of William Shatner” by Pat Jordan Don’t miss the video on this page. It’s kind of fun as well. I like it when he says he keeps learning stuff as he gets older. Just now learning how to act. Cool.

Before I started feeling bad I made fruit muffins yesterday using the raspberries and blackberries I had left in the fridge. Supplemented with some frozen blueberries. Also fried up some cooked potatoes. I don’t think this is what made me sick. Eileen had some and she was okay.

Ended my vacation music fast with a bunch of Brahms and Bach on the pianer. Ahhhh. Good to be back on the keys.

Eileen took me for my first ride in her new (used) Mini Cooper. I don’t really like cars all that much but am very very happy that Eileen has her dream car. I was afraid she was going to have to wait for my death and use the insurance money to buy it. Nice to actually see her get it.


I hope I can do some relaxing today. I don’t feel like I gained the perspective that can be afforded by a good time away from stuff. But what the heck. I’m glad I went and did the annual California Jenkins fam visit.

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