the magic of shakespeare and the mundanity of facebooger


While the magic of Friday’s performance is fresh, I am continuing to read and think about Midsummer Night’s Dream. Also I cooked to Mendelssohn’s wonderful music based on it last night.

The library copy of Turkle’s Reclaiming Conversation is due this Tuesday. I have finished reading it and am typing notes into a google doc. This morning one of her observations struck me so clearly that I thought it deserved a Facebooger meme, so I made one.


I find myself avoiding Facebook more after reading Turkle. Some of this is my own reluctance to watch family members (on Eileen’s side… not all of them, just one or two) spewing hatred and misconceptions. I used to try to engage these loved ones in civil conversation, but that seems to be impossible. Nevertheless I refuse to “defriend” them. But it does make Facebooger less fun.

Yesterday I put up the order for this Sunday’s Eucharist on Facebook and tagged two of the composers I am performing today: Marilyn Biery and Bruce Neswick. I am playing an organ piece by Biery and she responded quickly with a “thank you.” I figure I would like to know when people are playing my music so other composer probably do too. Although I have nine “likes” to this post, Neswick hasn’t responded and that’s totally fine with me.

We’re doing a soprano descant he wrote this morning which fits with a varied hymn accompaniment he has composed.

So Facebooger provides a nice connection to colleagues like these people. I notice that the Jenkins side of the family is slowing down a bit on “sharing” on Facebooger. I know I am.

Is Facebook Stunting Your Child’s Growth? – Pacific Standard

This is an article (and a study) cited by Turkle. I looked it up this morning to link into my notes. “Online life was associated with a loss of empathy and a diminished capacity for self reflection,” writes Turkle about this study.

I also scanned in an entire section near the end of the book where Turkle suggests strategies to use tech better and relate to people better. She calls this section, “Guideposts,” and treats many different topics such as Remember the power of your phone. It’s not an accessory and Slow down and Protect your creativity. Take your time and take quiet time. Find your own agenda and keep your own pace.

If these seem vague and/or incomplete, you understand why I scanned in her prose which fills out her ideas more.

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