the calif saga continues



Cynthia decided that despite the searing heat we should make Tiki Masks this year. It’s been at least two years if not longer since we did this project while visiting. My sunburn kept me in the shade and ducking into the house for relief, but here’s my mask.


Okay I was in a hurry. It was hot. But this is supposed to be me and my facial hair.


Later after some hurried last minute fumbling around on my part to try and get up and running to connect online (Facebooger video chat NOT fucking Skype via Windows fucking 10), the Calif cousins connected with their new cousin, Alex, in Beijing. This was fun.

It was good to see Jeremy, Alex, and Elizabeth.

I finished Hystopia by David Means yesterday. I think it is an excellent book. Means can write and think fluently. It’s a dark book. It’s technique of embedding a fictional novel in a fictional edition of it kept reminding me of Nabokov’s Pale Fire.

Means must have been aware of Nabokav’s similar fictional embedding of a poem in a editorial/academic apparatus. After pricing the Kindle version of Pale Fire (about $12), I was tickled to find a pdf of the book online. I used to have a copy of this book when I was younger. I never made it through but chances are good I will now.

I also ran across this from the publishers, New York Review of Books Classics, on Facebooger: A Different Stripe — Stay Cool Noir, Summer Reading Assignment #1

I have had good luck with the books I have read in their series of reprints. Eileen encouraged me to purchase one of their Noir recommendations. I did so.

I like this cover better:

It remains to be seen what book will catch my attention next. I brought Shostakovich’s Testimony which I have every intention of finishing at some point.

Well that’s the vacation update for today.

Officer says prosecutors silenced him in Sandra Bland case – Chicago Tribune

I keep waiting for this story to hit the NYT. The new facts in this case do not bode well for this case being solved in a just manner.

How Do You Say ‘Hashtag’ or ‘Shaming’ in Ancient Hebrew? – The New York Times

language in the news

Clinton’s Portrayal of Trump as Dictator Aims at the Left and Right – The New York Times

I’m seeing serious distortions arising out of the Democratic campaign. Jingoism is jingoism in my book.

Who Loves America? – The New York Times

I like Krugman. But I’m not sure he doesn’t go too far here. Sure the right distorts the situation. But does that mean the left has to do so also? Our current situation is not the “Republican’s fault.” In my opinion, it’s all of our responsibility.

Trump’s Bigotry Reminds US Media of Anywhere but Home | FAIR

FAIR does a good job of attempting to keep things coherent. Good article.

Watch Rev. Barber ‘shock’ the DNC & nation shaming religious hypocrisy—and leading with love

I’m very tired of religious stuff in the public discussion. However, this dude interests me enough to bookmark this and check his speech out later. Typos in the transcription are annoying.

Patriot Games, From Watergate to Email Hacks –

Bookmarked to read.  Interesting to me to think about historical precedents.



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