Thanksgiving eve in Jupe’s morning kitchen


After taking my blood pressure (high again) and reading James Joyce, I repaired to the kitchen to prepare vegetarian dishes for tomorrow.


I have decided to make a squash/kale thingo.


I had to roast the kale and the squash separately. And just like the old cooking shows, here’s the final dish.

I also made stuffing this morning.


And gravy.


Wickedly, I had stuffing and gravy for breakfast.

I did all my cooking listening to the Spotify playlist I made about the Syrian/Lebanese lullaby.

I tried to embed my playlist above. Not sure how that will work. But I do love this music.

I decided not to throw myself in composing for this dance. Although I only have two scheduled things today (my morning ballet class and the evening choir rehearsal), I think I need to “husband my resources” as they say.

I am feeling more and more isolated these days. The things that interest me do not interest many other people. However I am passionate about what I love. I guess I just don’t fit in a Facebooger world. Not exactly a bad thing.

For example one of the reasons I put my food pics here were the memes circulating on my Facebooger feed discouraging people from posting pics of their thanksgiving food.

Also, the memes that I posted (that I thought had pertinent content) seemed to either annoy people or bore people (“Ho hum”).

Family can always check up on me here. And I haven’t sworn it off yet.

Broke down and ordered a copy of the Oxford edition of Finnegans Wake yesterday. I think it cost me $16 including S & H. I would like a hard copy where the pagination matches the scholarship.

I broke down and began rereading Mishima’s Spring Snow  recently. I did so because I was interesting in the last volume of his tetralogy, The Sea of Fertility, The Decay of the Angel.

These books remind me of Hesse quite a bit. He’s another love of mine.

An Open Letter to Congress: Do Not Cede to Fear | The Nation

I began my day listening to the daily BBC news podcast. They interviewed Laila Lalami about the letter that she and other writers had written to congress. I thought she was brilliant, but I had a heckuva time running it down. Like so many left of center concepts it didn’t seem get any play on the usual news outlets. O look! It’s in The Nation! Sooprise, sooprise.

A Chill Grips a Michigan Haven for Syrian Families – The New York Times

Sad and sad. Good old Bloomfield Hills.

Take A Facebook Quiz, Give Up All Your Data For Free – Forbes

Remember, if the product is free, you’re the product.

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