thanks for checking back

Thanks for checking back. I have been doing a lot of reading. I almost missed Palm Sunday but last Saturday I noticed it was almost Easter. This is my first Holy Week not working. It feels like it should be longer than that but it’s not.

I still am very glad to be retired and am even more glad I seem to have survived a kidney infection. I am still recovering I am sure. Having lost some weight has allowed me to be a bit more reckless in my eating. Yesterday morning I made banana bread. The day before I made some veggie chili and had nachos.

I have returned to Alex Ross’s Wagnerism. I am also reading volumes of poetry. I remain skeptical that many people actually read books. But I do. History of our nation continues to interest me. This includes the history of the indigenous people who originally lived here and the people we brought over from Africa.

Finally I have returned to David Foster Wallace. I own many volumes of his that I haven’t read. I have read all of his longer works except The Broom of the System. I think I backed off on his work after reading The Pale King. Both my brother’s distaste for his longer works and Foster’s troubling suicide sort of put me off for a while. But I decided to read a book of his essays, Both Flesh and Not. It’s a romp. I think I’ll write more about it after I finish the book.

3 thoughts on “thanks for checking back

  1. Maybe you’ve read it as well, but A Supposedly Fun Thing I’ll Never Do is so classic DFW – the way he veers wildly back and forth being laugh out loud funny and pondering deep and often depressing insights into facets of society that most of us haven’t thought about or seen.

  2. You’re welcome! Glad to hear you’re feeling better!

    Maybe you’ve read it as well, but A Supposedly Fun Thing I’ll Never Do is classic DFW – the way he veers wildly back and forth being laugh out loud funny and pondering deep and often depressing insights into facets of society that most of us haven’t thought about or seen.

    1. I have read A Supposedly Fun Thing I’ll Never Do Again by David Foster Wallace. Have you read Inifinite Jest by him?

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