Sundays do me in

Church went pretty well yesterday. My boss was back on the scene and that was a nice surprise. She has been on vacation.  My friend, Jordan VanHemert, came and played a Bach flute sonata on his soprano sax for the prelude and postlude.  I accompanied him on the piano. It came off pretty nicely.

We also sang, “Just a little talk with Jesus,” as an offertory hymn which was kind of fun.

I’m still processing seeing my two friends, Michelle and Jane, on Saturday. Michelle gave me a copy of her book, “The Church Musician’s Soul Survival Manual: A Guide for Pastoral Musicians And Those Close to Them.” It seems to be self-published.  The copy she gave me was in loose sheets with three holes punched in most of the pages.

I read the entire thing yesterday. It was interesting to see what she wrote. She describes her own life story and uses her experiences as illustrations throughout. That was pretty interesting and brought me more up to speed with what’s going with her than I was.

Today I have to do some serious practicing and prepping for the Aug 5th gig. I am thinking of trimming the list down a bit more. I meet with Laurie Van Ark tomorrow. She is going to play viola and I have asked her to consider singing a few of my songs. We will be finalizing that then.

I plan to call Nate Walker the bass player and Roman Tcharchinski the drummer and attempt to schedule a rehearsal sometime this week with them.

I am driving to Middleville on Wednesday to meet with the two Sax players (Bill Bier and Jordan VanHemert). Thursday I rehearse with the strings. So things are shaping up pretty well.

I have been talking to Ray Hinkle about recording this gig. It’s still sort of up in the air, but if there are recordings I will post them here.

I am pretty tired today. Sundays do me in.

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