sunday self-obsessing

So I had an actual day off yesterday. I spent the whole day sort of puttering around doing the stuff I wanted to do: cooking, practicing, cleaning, shelving books and reading. I spoke to Eileen on the phone and web cammed with Sarah. Very relaxing.

This morning laying in bed listening to Brahms and Radiohead, it occured to me that my need for inclusivicity may be connected to my primitive musical nature. 

What I mean by “need for inclusivicity” is that as I age I have less and less tolerance for the intolerant (get it? it’s a bit contradictory or goofy). And what I mean by my primitive musical nature is that throughout my life I have not really been all that refined in my musical preferences. Sure I love a lot of the great historical music and exciting stuff since, but I also am not easily put off by organized sound of any kind. Usually my strongest emotional reaction against some music is indifference. 

I wonder if these two parts of my personality are connected or even expressions of the same part of me. Who knows? 

I spent some time with Shostakovich yesterday. I listened to his string quartets and played some of his piano preludes and fugues. Nice stuff.

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