Sunday morning before church

Surprising how fatigued I have been this week. Yesterday I spent some time with Ned Rorem’s lovely Barcarolles for piano.  Right now I’m listening to an hour long interview of him which includes most of a performance of the first one of these. Here’s a link: [link to PRX web site interview of Ned Rorem]. Warning that you have to sign up for a log on in order to listen to it. I glanced over some of the other programs available and they looked interesting so I signed up for a free membership.

Written in 1954 (3 years after the year of my birth), these piano pieces of Rorem are beautiful.

Earlier this morning I listened to BBC broadcast of a Bavarian Chorus singing Saint-Saens’ entire Christmas Oratorio and then two Christmas carols by Arvo Part. Serendipity for sure. Since we performed excerpts from the Saint-Saens at Xmas eve this week and did a piece by Part last Sunday. [temporary link to the BBC IPlayer of this program]

By the way, the BBC programs online are amazing. You can listen to dramas and music. They even post recordings of recent bell change ringing going on in English churches. cool.

While I listened I cleaned the kitchen and made blueberry muffins. The muffins are cooling right now.

I have scheduled two Noels by Dandrieu. I love the French organ Noels and try to do a few this time of year.

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