sunday afternoon in holland


My sister-in-law responded to my post yesterday (Hi Leigh!). So I thought I would do two days in a row just to show off.

Rusty Brown (Pantheon Graphic Library): Ware, Chris: 9780375424328: Books

In an effort to support the local Readers World Bookshop, I purchased Chris Ware’s Rusty Brown.

Rusty Brown |

I do love it. I’m about halfway through.

If I can get my tablet to work, everyday I listen to The Writer’s Almanac. I use it to sit quietly for five minutes before i take my blood pressure. Unusually yesterday I loved the poem, Forms of Love by Kim Addonizio


So it’s Sunday afternoon and I’m exhausted. Church went fine today. Streaming church is a bit of a weird experience for me. There are just a few people in the room. We now have a large screen which shows what we are streaming. This is helpful. The whole thing starts to feel even more surreal than usual.

Ir’a interesting to have Jeremy, Elizabeth, and Alex here during the holidays. Jeremy and Elizabeth are, I think, basically atheists. But when you have a kid  it’s a bit different. Even though Jeremy’s background is Jewish, he seems find with having us do a few Christmas things like put up a tree. Alex is of course enthralled. Yesterday, she, Elizabeth and I went to get a tree. Specifically Alex was along to help pick it out. We haven’t decorated it yet, but Alex is looking forward to that.

Hanukkah fourth night | Hanukkah blessings, Hanukkah, Holiday

Today the fourth day of Hanukkah begins at sundown. Jeremy, Elizabeth, and Alex are doing Hanukkah things each evening. Elizabeth made latkes the first night, Jeremy, last night.

GIF app dreidel hanukkah - animated GIF on GIFER

They did get a dreidel for Alex and have been playing that game each night. And of course Alex gets a present each evening.

Right now that family unit is off gallivanting in the Subaru. Eileen and I pulled the tree upstairs. It’s now ready to be trimmed.

I sure have mixed feelings at this time of year. Usually i get burnt out pretty quickly on religion. That’s kind of happening, but mostly I would just like to sit and read. That’s what I’m going to do now.

Old man reading a book by Joseph Malachy Kavanagh on artnet


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