Sunday afternoon doldrums


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Sunday afternoons are usually not high points for me. But today is a bit lower than usual. The whole Christian thing pales a bit for me sometimes. Usually I’m more tolerant of the whole silly religious thing. Friedman has a theory that if you are being sabotaged it is evidence of effective leadership. I had some sabotage today, but nothing worth complaining about. instead, I am just feeling a usual distance from all things Christian.

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Having said that, church went very well again today. The piano trio played the prelude and postlude and though Eileen thought the music was a bit hokey (it was), I was glad to do them even if both movements had bit of a Lawrence  Welk ending with pizz strings.

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The strings added immeasurably to today’s anthem which was originally for organ and choir. I think it was as hokey as the prelude and postlude, but still very effective. In fact these two composers, Frank Bridge and W. K. Stanton probably knew each other. Bridge’s claim to fame is that he was Benjamin Britten’s teacher.

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I believe it’s Benjamin Britten on the left and Frank Bridge on the right.

Holland High School finally got around to asking me to accompany Solo and Ensemble players this year. I had already talked to Rhonda about this, since I am pulling back from some of these extra things I do. I recommended her to them. Hopefully that will work out.

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I walked over to church yesterday. What I have been expecting to happen finally took place: the organ was no longer usable because they have begun work on the back of the church.

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This means I will have to get up off my sorry lazy ass and find other places to practice this week.

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Rev Jen stood in front of the assembly today at church holding a pipe claiming to have evidence that they have finally begun the work. Clever.

Lying from the git go.

With Echoes of the ’30s, Trump Resurrects a Hard-Line Vision of ‘America First’ – The New York Times

I bookmarked this so I would remember the author and the book quoted in it.

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It’s time Britain embraced classical heritage, says Taboo composer | Music | The Guardian

I listened to the video embedded in this article as an example of the composer work. Sounds like what we used to call “new age.” Post-classical? I don’t think so, but I’m not tut tutting (see the article).

For dramatic VR to succeed, music must become the director | TechCrunch

Do people not know that film and film music are the subject of study? This article was interesting because it talked about genres I’m not familiar with, but frustrating when it talked about how music was being used and didn’t seem to know much about the last several decades of study and usage.



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