sunday afternoon blog

Breaking pattern and blogging in the afternoon. Usually I do so in the morning.

As I was preparing for church this morning, Eileen used her blackberry to videotape me.

This short video is the result. Lo and behold it’s a quantum leap in quality from my little web cam.

She basically only uses it as a camera anyway. So now I’ll be using it and feeling better about sharing videos.

Bach Sunday came off pretty good this morning. The organ prelude and postlude went well. The choral cantata movement also seemed to come off pretty good. I managed to drill the parts during the pregame in such a way that may have helped people feel more confident.

I had two absences in the Kids’ Choir. There are only four kids active right now. So that’ s over half. One kid was sick. The other kid’s parents planned and an out of town weekend on Kid’s Choir Sunday. Whatchagonnado?

Eileen and my new soprano were prepared to quietly sing along with the kids to help them feel like they were in a larger group.

So the little Brahms adaptation they were scheduled to sing by themselves at communion came off pretty well despite the absences.

I think the primary purpose of a kids choir is for the kids to have an experience of music and learning.

This definitely happened. The kids sang along in German on the Bach.

I felt pretty good after all of this in service.

This afternoon is blessing of the animals.

As usual I am planning to drag m electric piano, an amp and a battery over to church and play for this outdoor service.

With any luck it will rain and we can have it in the church basement instead.

My brother and his wife

were in town for a quick visit. Hence no morning blog this morning. We all went out for drinks and dinner last night. Good conversation, Good times. They left as Eileen and I walked over to church this morning.

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