sunday afternoon


Whew! My tasks are done for today. I walked over to church a bit early. Sarah pulled together a poster for our September recital. I went directly to our offices and printed up 20 copies. Then before church, I put them up.

I had taken some Scheidt over with me. I purchased a three volume very cool edition of Scheidt organ music recently. Before vacation I was working my way through the first volume. Now I can’t find the fucking thing. It’s probably at church but I didn’t see it this morning.

I’m interested in finding charming little pieces that fit nicely on my instrument. I played through some variations by Scheidt on Christ lag in Todesbanden in the second volumeĀ  earlier this morning. It is nice stuff. It helps to know the melody well.

Church went fine. There were two visitors who used to attend Our Lady of the Lake. They are thinking of joining Grace. One guy said that he and his wife (who wasn’t present) are definitely planning to come to the first choir rehearsal. They are both music teachers. The other woman is stilling thinking about it.

After church, I straightened up for the afternoon recital and walked home. It was hot and humid, so I turned on the air conditioning, ate a salad, took a shower, and put on a fresh shirt and returned.

My recitalist, Dana Anderson, only programmed Bach and Mozart. He obviously is highly skilled and by his own admonition to the audience is an “organ snob.” He said that’s why he was there instead of some other place today. I would have appreciated a wider choice of music, but he did play very accessible pieces by Bach and Mozart and also played the hell out of them. I wish I could have sat down with him afterward and asked why he did some of the things he did with agogic accents. They kind of worked. But for sure they were interesting.

We had about twenty or so people.

I’m now sitting in my air conditioning and feeling thankful.

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