summer begins?


I stopped by the library yesterday and checked out two mysteries by John MacDonald. I had made up my mind I needed to do some lighter reading than Antigone. I made it through the first 24 pages before I realized it wasn’t for me. I was disappointed but there  you are.

Light reading is a bit harder for me  than I remember it being in the past. Were the novels of Anthony Burgess light reading for me? I remember the delight of each one not to be entirely recaptured on rereading. I have read science fiction all my life, enough to know that as a genre it’s somewhat elusive. I’m up to date with Margaret Atwood’s latest. I landed on an ebook copy of The Girl in the Spider’s Web by David Lagercrantz.

I have read all of the original books in the series by Larsson. I read five chapters of it last night (15.9%).

This morning I got up feeling a bit fuzzy. Still skipping my evening drinks so that’s probably not what was going on. Who knows? My Greek Grammar has bogged down a bit. Does it really matter if I understand “middle verb participles”? Probably. I’ll work more on it tomorrow.

I finished reading a translation of Antigone I have been reading. I poked around in the church music books Rhonda gave me. Then a poem by Auden and one by Kenyon. I’m still feeling a bit fuzzy.

Last night, weirdly, after supper, just before Eileen began her nightly viewing of The PBS New Hour, I had a strong urge to play piano. For the last few years, I have found the PBS News Hour more and more insipid. The odd exception to this seems to be the weekend version of it which is shorter and pithier. Eileen enjoys it. I decided to drive over to the church and play piano for a while since I had the urge. This didn’t seem to bother Eileen so off I went.

Usually at that time I am attempting to stay up to 7 PM before going to bed. Thankfully the church was completely empty so I played Beethoven variations, Glass etudes and ended with some Bach. I came home relaxed and then read.

Summer is shaping up nicely.


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