stuff is happening

So. Stuff is happening. The Hospice people were concerned that Dad is “actively dieing” and wanted to know how aware Mom was of this situation. I was in a movie and had my phone turned off. They spoke to Mark and he helped them decide to go over and talk to her about it and offer to take her to see Dad in case he dies tonight or tomorrow (which they thing is very likely). Mark also helped them decide to follow Mom’s psychiatric nurse’s recommendation that someone be with her on 24 hour watch at this time. This will be private pay and Mark unhesitatingly recommended it.

I have to examine myself and make sure I’m not running away from my father’s death. I don’t think this is exactly what is happening. I do need some space from the whole deal, that’s for sure. It’s time for others to take up some of my slack and Mark is doing exactly that. He is planning to drive over and be with Mom this evening. I don’t feel that I need to see Dad one more time before he dies. I hugged him and told him I loved him on Wednesday. He has asked to be cremated which will actually give us a bit of flexibility on scheduling the funeral. My son the clinical psychologist professionally asked me what it would look like if I felt I was needed in Holland. I told him if Mom was asking for me I would probably go. Otherwise I’m seriously planning on waiting for our scheduled return flight on Wednesday.

I continue to learn that emotional space is different from physical space. 

Eileen’s doctor’s office has been trying to contact her since Thursday morning, despite the fact that she told them she would be out of own. Of course by the time she got the messages off her cell phone it was already to late to talk to them before next Monday. She’s concerned but not too worried about the results of a recent blood test. Oy.

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