Still recuperating (I hope)


I’m feeling a little less tired each day since Christmas. However, my energy reserves seem low. I tire easily. Yesterday I was exhausted by the time I got around to practicing. I spent a few hours working out what to submit for Sunday, January 8 for the bulletin. My boss wants to use a gathering chant while we’re in the basement and probably throughout Epiphany. I scoured our resources and couldn’t come up with much. Finally I had the idea that a four part canon could work a bit like a Taize chant. So I recommended singing one of those. We’ll see if she (my boss, Rev Jen) goes for it.

Eileen just got up. We are planning a day trip to Grand Rapids today beginning with going out for breakfast. I think I will blog on and off today as we will be hitting bookstores with wifi. Now to get ready to roll.

Image result for schuler books

Now I’m in Grand Rapids at the cafe at Schuler  books.

The words to the canon are the third stanza of Hymn 133 in the Hymnal 1982.

May all who seek to praise aright
through purer lives show forth your light.
To you, the King of glory,  now
all faithful hearts adoring bow.
According to the Hymnal Companion, this is an anonymous hymn for the Transfiguration. Lawrence Houseman, the translator, translated 7 stanzas for the English Hymnal. There are only three in the ’82. The hymn is assigned to the Vespers of Transfiguration in the Roman Catholic use. I didn’t double check this but that’s how they put it in the Hymnal Companion. Oh. They said “Roman” not “Roman Catholic.”
These would work well with the famous Tallis canon.
If we decide to use this, i will prepare a clear version
for the bulletin with music notes and instructions.
otherwise here are some other ideas:
H 132 st. 5 sung in canon to The Eighth Tune (the Tallis Canon)

Possible Gathering chants

M 80 the Light of Christ

M 3 Come into God’s presence

M 28 O bless the Lord

M 59 Longing for Light refrain only

H 710 Make a joyful noise (canon)

 Back home now. I am now officially tired. The “I hope” of the title is reflects my awareness of my shrinking energy pie due to age. I hope I will get some of my stamina back soon. I now have to go see my Mom then practice.


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