still post vacation fatigue but toujours gai

As usually happens one of the organizers of the Cecchetti ballet camp snuck into class as I was playing and handed me my schedule. They have me scheduled for classes almost every day (I have Monday off apparently) for the next week. Most of these days I am playing three classes as I did yesterday. This means I am at the bench for four and half hours.

This takes quite a bit of energy, but I think I’m up for it. I know I welcome the work and the money it brings in.

Today is Eileen’s birthday. She is sixty years old.  I have her first birthday present waiting for her on the table. This evening after we are both done with work we are planning to go out to eat. Like me, she is recuperating slowly from our trip to California. I am still sleeping in past my usual early rising time. Us sixty-year-olds take a bit longer than we used to to get our groove back.


My son gave me three comic books he had from the Sandman series. I was talking to my ex about how much I enjoyed Neil Gaiman for some reason. I think she may have mentioned it to David. This is cool.

I didn’t get a chance to go practice organ yesterday. After ballet classes, I did grocery shopping and then came home and treadmilled. I ordered pizza for Eileen and me. That was pretty much the entire day. Maybe I will find some time today to practice organ.

It looks like I’m not going to get to working on my harpsichord this month like I was hoping to. Besides ballet, I have some other important things to get done like preparing a manuscript to submit to the Greater Kansas City AGO composition test.  I hope I can find some more time to relax before the summer is over.


Spike Lee Talks Obama, the End of Mookie’s Brooklyn, and the Hollywood Color Line — Vulture

I am a fan of Spike Lee’s work.  Good interview.


Mali – Islamist Rebels Smash Historic Sufi Tombs –

Makes me crazy when people destroy history.


Robert de La Rochefoucauld, Noted for War Exploits, Dies at 88 –

Fascinating life.


A Confucian Constitution in China –

I have often thought that the Confucian stuff is a great human heritage. Interesting recommendation of applying Confucian thought to governing in the 21st century.


Obama the Socialist? Not Even Close –

The corruption of words in our time. This person has experienced socialism and comes up with a different definition of it than many Americans.


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