still bumpy



The doctor’s office did not call as they promised they would yesterday. This morning I got up late.  I’m still covered with attractive, little red itchy bumps. I called the doctor again. This time they gave me an appointment tomorrow morning. In the meantime, I have taken two Benadryl tablets. I’m trying not to scratch my zillion hives. I skipped my blood pressure medicine again today. BP is holding steady at around 133/96. This is not too bad for me.

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I was planning on getting more serious about losing weight after vacation. Now I get to go weigh in at the doctor tomorrow morning and I have gained weight. That’s never fun, though as Eileen points out Dr. Fuentes doesn’t really yell at her patient. But she won’t be happy.

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I finished the Zs in my book order upstairs yesterday. Now I’m moving the Js and Ks to the emptied shelves in the hallway. These became empty because I’m shuffling books around and doing a bit of culling. So now the plan is to have A-I in east bedroom, J-K in the hall on one shelf, L -P in the loom room, P-T in the master bedroom, then back out in the hall for T-Z.


I actually didn’t pick up an instrument yesterday. That’s how distracting these hives can be. I did read, however.

Image result for the death of stalin

While visiting Mark and Leigh, Mark showed me “The Death of Stalin.” Eileen and I watched it together this week. This is a funny movie worth seeing. Those words don’t come from me that often.

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Opens locally tomorrow. I want to see this one.

NYTimes: Oh, the Humanities!

W. H. Auden in the news.

NYTimes: Langston Hughes Just Got a Year Older

Did you  know that Hughes ashes are interred” under the floor of the lobby of the New York Public Library’s Schomburg Center for Research in Black Culture, beneath a mosaic cosmogram that includes lines from his classic poem ‘The Negro Speaks of Rivers.'”

Here’s a cool picture of Amiri Baraka and Maya Angelou dancing on it.

NYTimes: The Internet Trolls Have Won. Sorry, There’s Not Much You Can Do.

Bookmarked to read.


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