steve & eileen's excellent day

Eileen had the day off so we were able to spend the day together.

This was very pleasant for me.

I made breakfast for us,

packaged up the boxes to go to England (not a secret…. we chatted with Sarah on Sunday about it),

and then we went and stood in line together at the post office, always more fun with a companion.

We dropped off a plant Eileen had prepared for a friend at the library where she works. By this time it was time for lunch so we went to a restaurant where Eileen had not eaten before (Zoups).  Picked up a Xmas tree. Came home and brought it in and set it up.

Then Eileen gave me moral support while I turned in our final medical receipts online for reimbursement from her flex plan.

We celebrated by going to see “Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows part I.” Then off to the local pub for drinks and food.

All in all, an excellent day.

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