Steve buys some videos

I just ordered 3 DVDs. Two of them I will use for sure in my class.

I know this is a bit quixotic, but whotthehell, archie.

The first one is of the The Freiburg Baroque Orchestra performing all six of Bach’s Brandenburg Concertos on period instruments in Cothen.

Last night after my second student left (I have 2 new students – one piano, one guitar), I investigated the computer I have on loan from Jeremy in my front room. Lo and behold, just as I suspected it had a DVD player in it.

I made myself a drink and put on my Netflix copy of the above group playing the Brandenburg concertos. I was immediately impressed. They are sort of musician music videos. By that I mean, there are only shots of musicians playing.

I was especially blown away by the horn players. They were playing early French Horns with no valves. These guys are truly virtuosi. Man.

Anyway, I flipped to the music that I teach in my course from these pieces and decided to order a copy (if I could afford it). If you clicked on that link above, do not have a heart attack. I did NOT pay $99.00 for it. It was more like 10.00 on

I also bought a DVD of Karajan conducting Beethoven’s Fifth. This is another piece I spend quite a bit of time with in my course.

Finally the third purchase was the most expensive ($20.00). I broke down and bought Touch the Sound featuring the incredible Evelyn Glennie. When I watched this I was totally blown away by her (and other musician’s) performances on this DVD.

I know it’s dumb to sink 40 bucks into a course at GVSU when they have convinced me that I am truly not part of the community of musicians there. But I don’t care.

I had a great class yesterday. It was the best first class I ever taught. Some of this has to be this particular group of people at this particular time. But I was very happy with the way I did this class.

The chair kind of grunted a begrudging hello to me in the office. I said, hey.

I have an office in the music building this time.

But there’s no computer in it, as of yet.


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