spoiled jupe

Eileen is handling our finances now. She has been just a little concerned that I might be spending money too fast. This is quite probable because before she asked me about I was paying little attention to how much money I was spending. I was enjoying buying things for people as well as spending money at the local bookstore.

But I am trying not to spend money so quickly. Today I asked her if I could buy some used books. That way I could them cheaper. That would be good. I couldn’t buy them from the local bookstore. That wouldn’t be as good. But I think I’m going to do that. At least as long as Eileen wants me to moderate my spending.

And I am quite spoiled. I know that if I was only able to read books that are already in the house I probably wouldn’t live long enough to run out of books.

But still I’m going to order some books if I can get them cheaply enough.

time passes

I just ordered 6 books used. Total bill: 89.17. I’m too lazy to figure out how much money I saved by buying used but 6 books for 90 bucks is considerably less than if I purchased them new. They are:

1. The Antinomian Controversy, 1636-1638: A Documentary Hall, David D., Ed.
2. Fugitive Poses : Native American Indian Scenes of Absence and Presence Author: Vizenor, Gerald Robert 
3. Art of Tradition: Sacred Music, Dance, and Myth of Michigan’s Anishinaabe, 1946-1955 Author: Gertrude Kurath, Jane Ettawageshik, Michael D. McNally
4. My Emily Dickinson Author: Howe, Susan
5. Singularities (Wesleyan Poetry Series) Author: Howe, Susan
6. The Birth-mark: unsettling the wilderness in American literary history Author: Howe, Susan

I have already read two of the Howe books and am reading library copies of the first three. Of course, I double checked with Eileen before closing the deal and she gave her okay. I am truly spoiled.

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