spoiled jupe


Yesterday was a good day for me. I had a good session with Dr. Birky, my therapist. I drove back to Holland and spent some time practicing organ. Then came home. Eileen had experimented with the Meijer grocery delivery service and had our groceries delivered.

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Very cool. Since we didn’t have to mess with groceries, Eileen and I decided to go out for lunch, then see Mom, then go to a movie. So that’s what we did. We were home waiting for it to be time to go see the movie, when my daughter in law, Cynthia, called and gave me updates on California Jenkinses.

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We saw “Black Panther.” I enjoyed it. I haven’t been much of movie person lately, but I’m thinking it can be a good distraction and my brother has recommended some to me.  “Black Panther” struck me like a very good comic book. I like comic books. Stan Lee made a cameo appearance in it which tickled me. He and Jack Kirby wrote the original comic book the movie is based on.

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My speakers arrived in the mail yesterday as well. I now have speakers in the living room and kitchen which I can easily connect to  a tablet,  phone, or laptop to listen to music and podcasts. I discovered this morning that the crappy speakers I had been using in the kitchen are not working properly. So I’m probably going to order a third set of them. These I will set up in the bathroom.

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Books arrived in the mail yesterday. I was excited to discover that The Grey Album: On the Blackneess of Blackness by Kevin Young is not a book of poetry but of prose. I am currently reading his book: Bunk: The Rise of Hoaxes, Humbug, Plagiarists, Phonies, Post-Facts, and Fake News. With its lengthy subtitle, you can get an idea of what it’s about. The Grey Album is trickier. I glanced through the table of contents and was happy to see that it talks a lot about music, specifically African American music, one of my great interests. The blurb says that the book “illustrates the African American tradition of lying,” but that seems too reductive glancing through it. I’ll know more after I start reading it.

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Listening to Mozart on my new speakers this morning while doing dishes, I continued the feeling I had yesterday of being very lucky, despite grieving over Mom and facing the transition of this part of her life and ours. Hell, I’m actually feel spoiled and not a little self indulgent. Life is good.

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