spending time with cpe and virginia

I had a burst of energy yesterday. I decided to go grocery shopping in the afternoon, then came home and had a real martini knowing I might pay for it today. My rash does seem more painful today but I don’t feel too bad otherwise so I guess that’s good.

I began reading the actual letters that C.P.E. Bach wrote today. I definitely get a sense of his personality from reading them. Later when I was reading Virginia Woolf’s diaries I realized how lucky I am to spend time with these people.

If I’m reading the footnotes correctly C.P.E. thought that his father’s Orgelbuchlein could be played without pedals. I tried a couple today on the piano. I didn’t find it very easy.

He also thought that the four part chorales were good teachers of counterpoint. This holds a bit more water for me. Yesterday and today I spent some time with them playing through them slowly and thinking about the voice leading and the shape of the lines.

Amazon.com: When My Brother Was an Aztec: 9781556593833: Diaz, Natalie:  Books

I finished Natlie Diaz’s book of poetry, When My Brother Was An Aztec yesterday. When the Beloved Asks, “What Would You Do If You Woke Up and I Was a Shark? is an example of the great poems in this book.

How To Fight for the Freedom To Read

A librarian friend of mine put this up on Facelessbook. Good read.

Yes world, there were horses in Native culture before the settlers came – Indian Country Today

I shared this on my niece’s Facebook feed but she didn’t respond. I did not know that there were horses here before the Spanish brought them.

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