soothing myself and two good videos


Oddly enough sitting outside early this morning, doing Greek, reading a bit of Homer and then a lot of Dante was what my poor impoverished soul needed. Ah.

I head from Chris Janowiak. That’s the name of the musician who watched me as a kid at Our Lady of the Lake and got inspired.  I was talking to Jeremy about this experience. A reaction that I didn’t initially share with Chris was that I remembered him well as a young man. I knew he was a friend of Jon Fegel and heard him play with one of Fege’s bands. I remember that he was a bit standoffish. I interpreted that to me that he wasn’t impressed enough with me to connect. It seemed a bit odd but not that big a deal.

Jeremy said that it would be good information for Chris to know that. It might help him avoid that kind of misperception about younger musicians looking up to him but being so shy and intimidated to be at ease.

Anyway, Chris reached out to me a second time, conversationally DMing me on Facebooger. I responded and included this information in my response.

What the heck.

I’m a hug fan of the National Constitution Center. Last night Eileen and I listened to this podcast before falling asleep. Albright is very cool, intelligent, perceptive, and interesting. Jes sayin.

I also think a lot of Dave Chappelle’s work. This is a good balance to the Albright video. My daughter, Elizabeth, remarked that Chappelle looked old. Hmmm.


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