soon to fly away… busy in the mean time

Booked a flight to New Hampshire yesterday for May. This will be my first time off in a while. I definitely am in need of it.

Going to visit my brother and his wife in Keene. Sorry my wife can’t go with me. But I need to get out of town.

This morning I only managed to read some poetry by Adrienne Rich (have also been working my way through Sexton and Updike collected poems). I spent the rest of my extra morning time trying to learn the music for a waltz from Swan Lake for today’s Ballet class.

The instructor asked me Tuesday if I had this with me. Sheesh. She was annoyed that the anthology I regularly carry to her class only had the main theme from the ballet, not this waltz. I checked out a piano transcription of the entire ballet yesterday.

In church music, I was taught that it’s only polite to give a week’s notice of score prep for event the best musicians.

I have since noticed that many professionals pride themselves on not rehearsing before a gig.

And I have heard many performances that seem to indicate a lack of prep. On the other hand when one does a gig, one tries to do whatever is required.

Anyway, I have been up and practicing this scene.

I just hope she uses it.


Frenzied Hours for U.S. on Fate of a China Insider –

Some good background on this evolving story.


Ted Nugent’s Remarks Reverberate Against Romney –

Ted Nugent makes me crazy. Go Michigan.


The Big Spill, Two Years Later –

Interesting background on this incident. Much credible challenge in the online comments. Check out Dr. Richard Grippo from Arkansas State University. I googled him and he seems for real.


And the Winner of the Pulitzer Isn’t –

The nice thing about this is learning about books I don’t know about. It’s a shame the Pulitzer didn’t aware one posthumously to D. F. Wallace. I think he was an excellent writer.


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