some pics and links…. jupe is exhausted

Eileen is at the orthodontist having her braces removed! Hurray! She has been wearing them for over two years and is ready to get her teeth back.

I continue to be pretty exhausted. My brother and his wife arrive this evening, so we’ve been re-arranging the house so there will be a bit more room than usual for guests to get around.

Moved the computer out of the way.
Kept the harpsichord out, so I don't forget that it's waiting for me to finish installing the new jacks.
Put the electric piano in the side room, so I can sneak off and practice.
Put the electric piano in the side room, so I can sneak off and practice.
That's also where the treadmill ended up.
The side room is also where the treadmill ended up.
While I'm at it, here's our Xmas tree.
While I'm at it, here's our Xmas tree.
And my new retro media center.
And my new retro media center.

My daughter, Elizabeth, made a link to some places my father and his father lived on Google Maps. I think it’s a pretty cool idea.

Paul Jenkins Memoirs places

I just got around to reading Sunday’s New York Times yesterday….. Usually they do significant deaths of the year some time around Xmas and New Years. This year they turned over the mag to Ira Glass and company. They outdid themselves telling some very cool stories.

I recommend the entire thing:

Link to These American Lives Interactive

So far here are a couple I thought were especially interesting.

A First Time for Everything

Hundreds of 2011 obits have something in common. The people who died were the first African Americans to fill ordinary and extraordinary roles in our society.

The Whole Truth

A sworn deposition that tells a helluva story.

Like I say, I recommend you browse through it (assuming the web site lets you…. ). I haven’t read a dud yet.

300 Free eBooks: Download Great Classics for Free | Open Culture

Open culture has a cool list of free ebooks.

Lieberman wants Taliban blocked on Twitter – Boing Boing

We apparently become what we abhor.

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