some new music for jupe

I’ve been pretty lucky the last few days to run across a lot of new music.

The people I follow on Facebook often embed a video. I usually at least listen to the video. If I like it or am interested in it, I download the video and then rip an mp3 of the music.

For example, an young acquaintance of mine put up this video.

I’ve never heard of the band American Football, but according to Wikipedia they are an Indie group active around the end of last century.  I was drawn to the sound of changing meters in this song.

A few days earlier, my niece tagged me in a message recommending the band, Black Prairie. I found this on youtube.

I have long been a listener to KCRW and was happy to find that they posted videos of live in studio bands. And I liked Black Prairie quite a bit.

I checked out some other KCRW videos on Youtube and found this:

Which I quite like. I found a couple of other bands I liked but soon discovered that a lot of the music in the KCRW videos did not attract me. But what the heck.

I also found several trax on Utne’s monthly music sampler. This selection only stays up for a month. But while it’s up, you can download mp3s of music they recommend.

From the January selection, I pulled down these.

“Electricity Turns Them On” by Wires.Under.Tension

“Wrong Piano” by Cowboy Junkies

“Joyride” by Dave Holland and Pepe Habichuela

These links are temporary.  And they are not all I downloaded, just the ones I find that I like.  I saw Dave Holland playing with Christ Potter and others last year. Very impressive.

Here’s a couple that my nephew put up on Facebook.

New music for your eyes and ears. Life is good.

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